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Get your portions in control

October 28th, 2013

1136161_59851659Do you know the difference between a portion and a serving size? A “serving” is the amount of food recommended. A “portion” is the amount of a food you choose to eat at any one time - which may be more or less than a serving. So, while a serving of ice-cream may 1/4 cup, a portion size may be more like one cup.

The good news is you can make more informed decisions by getting a handle of your portions. Here are some tangible comparisons to help you determine serving sizes:

  • A teaspoon of margarine is the size of one dice.
  • Three ounces of meat is the size of a deck of cards.
  • One cup of pasta is the size of a baseball.
  • An ounce and a half of cheese is the size of four stacked dice.
  • One-half cup of fresh fruit is the size of a tennis ball.

Many people gain wait because they have an inaccurate idea about their caloric intake. However, there are a few simple modifications you can adopt to stay on track.

  • Eat from a plate, not a package, so you know how much you’re actually consuming.
  • Use smaller plates to fool your brain. The same portion of food may appear larger when served on a larger plate.

Once you get a good sense of serving sizes, you can begin to make modifications and see changes.

By Stephen J. Bailey
Posted in Family Eating
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