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Naked Tchopstix Fort Wayne
Naked Tchopstix Fort Wayne Naked Tchopstix in Fort Wayne is now available for delivery at Waiter on the Way! Naked Tchopstix has been voted as one of the best in Indianapolis and is now available in Fort Wayne on US 24 West. Enjoy delicious fresh Sushi delivered to your home or office today from one of the best in the city. About Naked Tchopstix: As a family owned business, we have been open …
Pho 888 Fort Wayne Now Available!
Pho 888 in Fort Wayne, located at 4916 Illinois Road is now available for delivery though Waiter on the Way! Pho 888 offers Asian style cuisine with reasonable prices. Here is an excerpt from the Journal Gazette: “Its smell was intoxicating and the noodles could not have been more perfect. It was dotted on top with fresh herbs and green onion, and there was a ton of meat. The thin slice …
Valentine’s Day Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Delivered
Didn’t make reservations for Valentine’s Day? Let Waiter on the Way deliver you or your loved one a special meal without the hassle of waiting for hours to find a empty seat at a restaurant. We deliver from over 100 of the areas finest restaurants including Casa’s, Biaggi’s, Texas Roadhouse, Red River Steakhouse, The Rib Room, Smokey Bones, and many others. Since Valent …
Restaurateurs love a Monday Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is always a boon to the restaurant industry as many couples celebrate by going out for a romantic dinner. But having the holiday fall on a Monday, as it does this year, is especially good for business, according to many restaurateurs. “Monday is the best day you can have Valentine’s Day on, because you end up with a strong weekend plus the carryover on Monday,” which is t …
Fish Of Stroh Fort Wayne - ROTW
Fish of Stroh Fort Wayne Fish Of Stroh Fort Wayne is this weeks restaurant of the week! With the Lent season just around the corner, Fish Of Stroh in Fort Wayne has become our restaurant of the week. The origins of Gropp’s Famous Fish of Stroh go back to 1956 when Elvin and Millie Gropp decided to sell their family farm and open a tave in Stroh, Indiana. To bring new customers to the tave , …
Super Bowl Sunday Pizza Delivery
An article from USA Today (http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/2004-01-16-pizzabowl_x.htm) published in 2004 but still interesting non-the-less has some interesting statistics about pizza delivery on Super Bowl Sunday. Domino’s will deliver about 1.2 Million pizzas on Super Bowl Sunday which is nearly twice as many as an average Sunday. Super Bowl Sunday Pizza Delviery Stats The im …
Vanilla Bean Biscotti & Pastry Boutique Now Available
Vanilla Bean Biscotti & Pastry Boutique Fort Wayne Vanilla Bean Biscotti & Pastry Boutique is now available for delivery through Waiter on the Way! Vanilla Bean is located at 3410 North Anthony Blvd and offers delicious treats to reward yourself with. They offer several different biscotti to chose from, cookies, cup cakes, gift sets and even gourmet dog treats. Gift Sets are a perfect wa …
Sun Rise Cafe Now Available
Sun Rise Cafe Fort Wayne is now available for delivery through Waiter on the Way! Sun Rise Cafe is located at 10230 Coldwater Road and offers a HUGE menu selection has seen here. Enjoy anything from breakfast, lunch, or dinner all made fresh to order from Sun Rise Cafe. Weekday lunch specials are served Monday-Friday from 11AM to 2PM and include a choice of the following: BBQ Beef Sandwich Gril …
February Restaurants of the Month!
TGI Fridays and Don Hall’s Triangle Park are this months restaurants of the month! If you don’t know what that means, order from either one of these excellent restaurants at least $25 of food and receive FREE delivery using coupon code “feb2011″ at checkout. View TGI Fridays Menu and Don Hall’s Triangle Park Menu . Order today! 260-442-FOOD www.waiterontheway.biz