I want my baby-back-baby-back-baby-back ribs! Chili’s knew what they were talking about with their now famous commercials. Years later, this anthem still runs through my mind after a hard day’s work. Tonight, I heard the anthem’s call and like so many times in the past, I placed my order for some delicious Chili’s ribs.
I have some guilty pleasures that I indulge in a few times a year, and a rack of baby back ribs that are dipped in BBQ sauce are definitely at the top of the list. With tender meat that pulls right off of the bone, you really can’t go wrong whether you order an original, a half-order, or a mix and match. Finger. Licking. Good.
In addition to the ribs, I absolutely love Chili’s corn on the cob. There is no other place in town that creates the experience I find when I bite into their corn. Filled with butter and soft kernels, it drips deliciousness with each taste. The only thing closest to it is the corn on the cob at the Grabill Fair each year, thankfully Chili’s gets me through the other fifty-one weeks.
For a commercial establishment, Chili’s still finds a way to keep their food relevant and fresh. The food mirrors the kind of desirable entrees you would find at local steakhouses or pubs. There’s no surprise that, next year, Chili’s will be celebrating their fortieth year in business. By keeping the food desirable and affordable, I imagine them staying around for a long time.
Don’t forget to check out the rest of their online menu. With steaks, veggies, salads, and famous appetizers and desserts, they are the perfect place to call for dinner for two or group dining. Waiter on the Way continues to deliver quickly and effectively. After paying by credit card via their website, the food was at our door before the hour was up, and there was nothing to sign or deal with. The driver offered us our food, a big smile, and wished us a great night. After I had my baby-back-baby-back ribs, it was a great night indeed!